Book Review: The Carnivore Code

The Carnivore Code

Paul Saladino, MD

By Joseph E. Scherger, MD, MPH

Should we be carnivores?

Authors Note: This article deviates from the plant based diet recommendations usually presented in Desert Health and followed by its readers.  I follow a healthy Mediterranean Diet (without pasta) and consider many vegetables as superfoods. This book is committed to truth in nutrition science and has many valid references.  To anyone open minded about changing nutrition science and recommendations, this book should be considered.  I found it compelling and while not becoming a carnivore, I have done some shift in my diet. I still love broccoli and have nuts every day.


Paul Saladino, MD is a smart physician with an interesting background.  His father is an internist and his mother a nurse practitioner. His college and medical school education are solid, yet he become frustrated that so much medical education was “what pill to give”.  He trained in psychiatry but gave that up for the same reason, pill pushing. Along the way be became a vegan and even a raw food vegan.  He suffered from debilitating eczema. After listening to a Jordan Peterson podcast about an animal based diet he gave it a try.  His eczema disappeared for the first time and he gained muscle and felt well.  He decided to dive into the science of animal versus plant foods and this book is the result. Well-known nutrition advisors Mark Sisson and Dave Asprey (Bulletproof) are advocates.

Dr. Saladino bases his argument on evolutionary biology.  He states that plants and animals diverged their evolution 1.5 billion years ago.  Life must eat life to survive and no form of live wants to be eaten in order to continue to exist. Animals use the defense of movement and evasion to avoid being prey.  Plants are stuck in the ground or on trees so they developed chemical defense weapons to ward off predators.   

Dr. Saladino argues that plants and animals have evolved different “operating systems” and are not fully compatible when merged through ingestion.  Some animals are herbivores but he argues that over the past 3 million years we hominids evolved into being carnivores and thrived only on animal food, with plants being a survival food. He credits consuming animal foods for our large brain and narrow waist. When we eat plants there is a “chemical warfare” going on.

Here are some of the rather alarming, amazing and disrupting claims he makes, basing each one on science with references:

1.     Broccoli and related vegetables are actually pro-oxidants and cause oxidative stress that damages our DNA.

2.     Polyphenols are also pro-oxidants, including curcumin and resveratrol.  All the positive data is observational and due to a “healthy user bias”.  In today’s culture people leading healthy lives tend to be plant eaters while people who drink more alcohol and smoke tend to be meat eaters. Controlled studies do not show benefits of eating plants over animals.  Just the opposite is true.

3.     Flavonoids are endocrine disrupters leading to infertility and thyroid problems.

4.     Green smoothies can lead to permanent kidney damage due to oxalate toxicity.  Cases of kidney failure and even death have been reported. The same can happen with excessive peanuts. Oxalates have no role in the human body but are abundant in turmeric, spinach, beets and other vegetables.  Oxalates may lead to Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and breast cancer.

5.     He raises the same alarm about lectins as Dr. Steven Gundry (The Plant Paradox) who he often speaks with.  Lectins from beans and other legumes damage the gut leading to auto-immune disease. Glutein is a lectin.  Lectins may play a role in developing Parkinson’s disease.

Dr. Saladino then dispels some common myths:

Myth 1. Plant Foods are Superfoods.  None pass the test.  Only animal foods have “magical nutrients” like creatine, choline, carnitine (for mental health), and carnosine. Vegans have higher rates of depression and anxiety.  B12 is only the “tip of the iceberg” when it comes to the important vitamins and other nutrients not well supplied by plants and abundant in animal foods

Myth 2. Fiber is necessary for a healthy gut. Plant fiber causes small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and auto-immunity.  Plant fiber does not prevent colon cancer, cause weight loss or improve microbial diversity. Plant fiber harms sperm quality and leads to infertility.  Daily healthy bowel movements are the norm when eating only animal foods.

Myth 3. Red meat will shorten your life.  The opposite is true when controlled studies are done.  Animal protein consumption results in longer life expectancy. The contrary observational research is contaminated by healthy and unhealthy user bias.  He goes in depth discussing lipids and what LDL cholesterol is a “superhero” and not a “supervillain”.

Myth 4.  The “plant slant” of the Blue Zones results in greater longevity. Dr. Saladino credits the lifestyle of the Blue Zone populations for their health and longevity and that author Dan Buettner was not accurate about the nutrition.  For example in Nicoya Costa Rica only the men have greater longevity and eat lots of beef. The Okinawans eat more meat than the Japanese.  In Sardinia there is a favorite “Sarda pig” that is treasured by the population. Hong Kong has one of the highest life expectancies in the world (85 years) and is the world’s third largest consumer of beef per capita.  In the US, Mormon communities match the life expectancy of the Seventh Day Adventists and eat plenty of meat.

Myth 5. Red Meat Causes Heart Disease.  The counters this with science and why the TMAO argument does not hold up.  He goes in depth discussing lipids and what LDL cholesterol is a “superhero” and not a “supervillain”.

The last section of the book discusses what to eat on a carnivore diet.  The emphasis in on eating only grass fed beef and wild caught seafood.  More than muscle meat is required and organs, especially liver, kidney and bone marrow, bone meal and bone broth are important.  Eggs are vital nutrition and he eats six daily, especially the yolks.  He avoids dairy since that is not an animal food we should eat and has inflammatory proteins.

The Carnivore Code is bold and alarming.  There is a lot to digest here (pun intended). My second reading of the book gives me pause in accepting all his arguments.  He discusses five tiers for being carnivore with different degrees of intensity.  The first tier is the “Carnivore-ish diet that includes what he considers the least toxic plants: non-sweet fruits such as avocado, squash and berries. Being a full carnivore means eating only healthy animals including fish and eggs takes some work and he gets meat and organs from as far away at New Zealand.  He provides a guide and website for doing this and has a large number of followers and testimonials.

This book is the complete opposite of Michael Greger’s How Not To Die (2015) that blames only animal foods for causing all the diseases that lead to premature death.  I’d love to see Drs. Saladino and Greger debate.

Is there common ground?  Yes, Dr. Saladino like other authors condemns sugars and the processed carbohydrates that lead to insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and the epidemic of overweight, obesity and type 2 diabetes. He reports evidence that 88% of Americans have insulin resistance, a very sad reflection of the devolution of our species.

The biggest weakness of this book for me is that he does not single out grains, carbs in general and sugar as causes of the greatest burden of disease and inflammation.  He blames fat for insulin resistance and inflammation and then later promotes fat as our most desired food.  Little mention is made of healthy fats and unhealthy fats.

I look forward to further analysis of the carnivore argument from other nutrition scientists who have an open mind for nutrition science outside their belief system. I will admit after reading this book I went out and had some ribs.




Book Review: Desert Health The Inflammation Spectrum

Dr. Will Cole

Reviewed by: Joseph E. Scherger, MD, MPH

Following an anti-inflammatory diet can be confusing.  Where do I start?  What are the most inflammatory foods?  How can I personalize such a diet for the food intolerances I have?

Dr. Will Cole, a functional medicine doctor in Pittsburgh, simplifies this topic in his new book, The Inflammation Spectrum (Avery, 2019).  Dr. Cole points out that lab testing for food allergies and intolerances is usually not specific enough to be helpful.  Rather he uses what I use, an elimination diet plan.  Most useful is how his “spectrum” starts with the four food groups that are inflammatory to all or most people. He follows this with four more food groups that show inflammation in some people only.  For the second group, these foods may be healthy in some and not tolerated by others.  You end up with a personalized anti-inflammatory nutrition plan.

Dr. Cole distinguishes between a food allergy, intolerance and sensitivity. 

A food allergy involves the immune system and there is usually an immediate reaction such as a rash, itching, and hives.  In an extreme case there can be anaphylactic shock.  

A food intolerance is not immune mediated but rather your digestive system has a reaction reflecting poor digestion, such as gas, bloating or other irritable bowel symptoms.  This usually comes from lacking the enzymes to digest the food. 

A food sensitivity is immune mediated but is a delayed reaction and may be related to how much of the food you consumed.  The symptoms are also part of the irritable bowel syndrome. 

The first four foods to eliminate are: 

1. Grains (with or without gluten), 

2.  Dairy products containing lactose and casein, 

3. Sugar and added sweeteners of all types, and 

4. Inflammatory oils such as all the processed vegetable oils.  

On a healthy diet these are best to be eliminated or avoided. That may be all a person has to do to be on an anti-inflammatory diet.

The second four food groups that are inflammatory to some people are: 

5. Legumes such as lentils, beans of all types, and anything made from soy.  Like Dr. Stephen Gundry, he points to their high lectin content. 

6. Nuts and Seeds, including almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, and walnuts.  I’m surprised by this since I list nuts and seeds as “Superfoods” on my website:  I must admit that some people tell me they are “allergic” to nuts and seeds.

7. Eggs, both whole eggs and egg whites.  He comments that many people react to egg whites.  I’ve not seen this since egg whites are mostly the protein albumin and I will start looking for this.

8. Nightshades, including tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, white potatoes and goji berries.  These contain alkaloids and are inflammatory to some people. Again a nod to Dr. Gundry.

Dr. Cole takes the reader through a methodical process of eliminating the foods one at a time by the week and then later reintroducing them one at a time, also by a slow process of a week for each change.  This way a person should be secure in the knowledge of what to eat for their most t anti-inflammatory diet.

Dr Cole does a lot of preaching or talking down to the reader and someone well educated in nutrition may find this annoying.  He also suggests the reader do a series of “mantras” I find somewhat silly like the Stuart Smalley Daily Affirmations on Saturday Night Live.  If you overlook these quirks of the book, this is a simple and useful framework for following an anti-inflammatory diet.  For a more sophisticated coverage of this topic, see Dr. Terry Wahls, The Wahls Protocol. (Avery, new edition 2020).

Book Review: Anticancer Living: Transform Your Life and Health with the Mix of Six

Lorenzo Cohen, PhD, Alison Jefferies, MEd

Viking, 2018

Reviewed by: Joseph E. Scherger MD, MPH

Anticancer Living comes from the husband and wife team that lead the integrative medicine program at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX.  The scientific basis of all their information and recommendations is deep and sound.  In many ways this book is a sequel to Anticancer: A New Way of Life by David Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD (Penguin Books, 2007).  Dr. Servan-Schreiber survived with a highly lethal glioblastoma of his brain for 19 years following an anticancer lifestyle.  At the time of his death, Dr. Servan-Schreiber from the University of Pittsburgh was teamed with Dr. Cohen for a clinical trial in the methods of anticancer living and its impact on cancer survival and longevity.  This trial is ongoing and so far the results are very promising.

Part One of this book describes the history of what they call the “Anticancer Revolution”.  Most cancers are much better understood including the lifestyle insults that lead to the disease. Cancer is about to overtake heart disease as the leading cause of death in the industrialized world.  Cancer patients are not helpless and should not simply become passive recipients of cancer treatment.  There is much a person can do to improve their chances for a cancer remission and longer survival. 

Part Two discusses in detail “mix of six” interventions.  Many personal examples are given. Contrary to the usual method of starting with nutrition, Cohen and Jefferies reverse the order and begin with the psychosocial factors that are so important.  First comes a foundation of love and support. Cancer patients who remain well connected to others do much better and those who isolate themselves.

The second intervention is stress management and developing resilience.  Every cancer patient is under great stress and managing that is key to better health.  Cancer patients usually become stronger in character and that leads to greater resilience in handling what comes. Controlling stress and developing greater reliance has biological effects that help reduce cancer growth.

Third comes the need for rest and recovery.  A diagnosis of cancer is a wakeup call that your life may be out of balance.  The body heals during rest so develop a daily schedule that avoids wasting energy and has times for physical and mental restoration.

Fourth comes physical activity.  Exercise has tremendous healing powers.  Exercise does not have to be vigorous or stressful.  Long walks, hikes and swimming are good examples of enjoyable and soothing exercise.  Work on preserving and enhancing muscle strength.

Fifth comes food as medicine.  Those who follow a plant based diet have the lowest cancer rates and the greatest chance of remission.  Superfoods for cancer are nuts, seeds and vegetables of a variety of colors.  If animal products are consumed, and they should be a small part of the diet and the healthiest possible such as grass fed organic eggs and meat and wild caught organic fish.

Finally a low toxic environment is critical to anticancer living.  Rid your house of toxic chemicals and limit toxins on and in your body.  This chapter is a guide to doing just that.

Book Review: The Nature Cure: A Doctor’s Guide to the Science of Natural Medicine

Andreas Michalsen, MD, PhD Viking Books, 2017

Reviewed by Joseph E. Scherger MD, MPH

In Germany, doctors must complete medical school and specialty training before they can become trained and certified in naturopathic medicine. Dr. Andreas Michalsen is professor of clinical complementary medicine in Berlin at the largest university hospital in Europe. He is board certified in internal medicine, emergency medicine, nutritional medicine, and physical medicine and rehabilitation.  He has published over 200 articles in leading scientific journals and has collaborated with physicians at Stanford, Harvard, the Mayo Clinic and Dr. Valter Longo at the University of Southern California.

 The Nature Cure is a practical guide to the best of natural medicine he has practiced and is established in science.  The book is a treasure, and endorsed by physicians such as Andrew Weil, Terry Wahls and Wayne Jonas.  I am grateful to local cardiologist Khoi Le for recommending this book.

The book begins with the basic principles of naturopathy and how it contrasts and compliments Western medicine.  He calls for collaboration between naturopathic and traditional medical physicians, something that should be encouraged here in the Coachella Valley. 

In the chapter of therapies of antiquity he makes the case for using leeches for conditions such as osteoarthritis of the knee (amazing results), and for cupping and bloodletting.  We should consider these therapies here.  The healing powers of water and fasting follow with excellent advice.

Dr. Michalsen says that the key to health is using food as medicine.  I could not agree more.  His nutrition advice is very healthy and I have only one disagreement.  He endorses eating whole grains.  He supports Dean Ornish and discusses how unhealthy carbohydrates pushed the surge in obesity.

He follows with the importance of exercise and promotes a “playful” approach to walking.  He then goes into mind-body medicine recommending yoga, meditation and mindfulness. He reviews “global medicines” such as Ayurveda, Acupuncture and Healing Plants.

Dr. Michalsen then describes how he reverses eight common chronic diseases: hypertension, coronary artery disease other arteriosclerosis, arthrosis (arthritis), depression and anxiety syndromes, back and neck pain, diabetes, rheumatism, and gastrointestinal diseases.  What a great resource this is!

Dr. Michalsen closes the book by giving his strategies for a health life and why natural medicine is the future of medicine.  Natural Medicine restores health and does not have the exorbitant costs of standard medical practice today.  The Nature Cure has a prominent space on my bookshelf and will be used often.

Most Chronic Disease is Reversible

By Joseph E. Scherger, MD, MPH and Arnel Sator, MS, PTA

Chronic diseases are a recent part of human history. In the past, people only went to healers, physicians or hospitals when they became sick, generally due to infections, injuries or other maladies. Even cancer was very rare in the past as described by Mukherjee in The Emperor of All Maladies (2010).

The concept of chronic diseases emerged in the 1970s with high blood pressure (hypertension) being the first, and while type 1 diabetes (a complete lack of insulin) became understood in the early 20th century, the far more common type 2 diabetes (due to excess carbohydrates and insulin resistance) emerged with the more recent epidemic of overweight and obesity. Autoimmune diseases were known in the past, but exploded in frequency in the 1970s, creating a new medical specialty: rheumatology. High cholesterol became recognized as a disease in the 1980s.

Chronic diseases are often referred to as Western diseases as they are considered in more affluent and industrialized populations. But affluence and industry do not lead to disease; the lifestyle that commonly goes along with them does.

Recently, we have learned that all these diseases are reversible through lifestyle change which can enable people to get off most medications and erase chronic diseases from their active medical history. Utilizing nutrition and lifestyle to combat disease is the basis for functional and integrative medicine and this specialty is on the rise.

There are six elements to a healthy lifestyle:

1. Nutrition: the most important factor - estimated at 80 percent

2. Physical activity: both movement and strength

3. Stress management

4. Healthy restorative sleep

5. Social connections

6. Spiritual dimension: having meaning and purpose to life

While chronic diseases number in the hundreds, they can be grouped into six categories:

Bones, joints, strength and balance

Our modern lifestyles may give us greater longevity, but our healthy years (healthspan) is in decline. Our muscles and our skeleton aging tends to cause many reversible problems. Fortunately, biodensity and power plate technologies are effective in naturally restoring strong bones and reversing osteopenia and osteoporosis. Drugs do not do that. Strength training and balance work also can help turn back your physical clock many years.

Diseases of carbohydrate overload

Our modern American diet and culture are loaded with sugar and refined carbohydrates that have made the majority of Americans overweight with an elevated blood sugar leading to dementia and many other problems. About 40 percent of Americans are obese with excess body fat as stored energy. A healthy diet of superfoods such as healthy fats, protein and low carb can reverse overweight, obesity, prediabetes, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, fatty liver and metabolic syndrome. Exercise and stress reduction also help this process.

Diseases of inflammation and unhealthy gut microbiome

Inflammatory proteins and fats in common foods can cause systemic inflammation and an unhealthy gut microbiome (dysbiosis) which may lead to acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease. Our stomach acid is good for us and the drugs to reduce stomach acid harm us in the long run. The entire spectrum of autoimmune diseases originates in the gut as a result of dysbiosis and small intestinal bacteria overgrowth (SIBO). These conditions can be reversed through healthy nutrition and supplementation.

Diseases of stress

Life today is stressful for most everyone. Achieving a life controlling stress is an important skill that can be learned resulting in equanimity during the day and natural restorative sleep at night. Mind and body solutions for stress reduction and optimal mental health are necessary to combat the diseases of stress such as hypertension (high blood pressure), anxiety and depression.

Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia

These common health problems respond to optimizing nutrition and lifestyle. With chronic fatigue improving immune function is vital when a chronic virus in at the core of the problem.

Cognitive decline/dementia

Dale Bredesen (The End of Alzheimer’s) and Daniel Amen (Memory Rescue) have shown that cognitive decline can not only be avoided but even reversed! The three most common factors are blood sugar levels, inflammation and toxins. At RH we use the Bredesen protocol to preserve cognitive function and reverse cognitive decline if caught in stage 1 or 2 dementia.

Cancer remission

While cancer occurs for many different reasons, once it exists it is a metabolic disease. It must be fed and nurtured to cause disease and death. Much has been learned about maximizing your chances for cancer remission and full recovery with diet and lifestyle leading the way.


We also have learned much about the biology of aging. We are designed to age and die and with our modern diet and lifestyle we accelerate this process. On the other hand, your biologic life can be extended by adopting new practices using diet, lifestyle, and supplementation to delay the processes leading to aging and death. Chronic disease is reversible and functional medicine strives to do just that by promoting health rather than treating diseases with drugs and procedures. Using the latest science, practitioners work with clients to reduce or eliminate medications by prescribing nutrition and lifestyle factors. All six elements of a healthy lifestyle are addressed in every person and whenever possible, real foods are used over supplements. Joseph Scherger, MD, MPH and Arnel Sator, MS, PTA are co-founders of Restore Health in Indian Wells. For more information visit or call (760) 408.2720.

Comments on UnDo It! by Dean and Anne Ornish

Joseph E. Scherger MD, MPH

Dean Ornish and his wife Anne Ornish have a formula for achieving great health and avoiding or reversing heart disease, cancer and the risk factors that lead to these.  Dean Ornish was the first to show coronary heart disease could be reversed by a very low fat diet (Dr. Dean Ornish’s Program for Reversing Heart Disease, 1995).   With the help of his wife Anne, a yoga and meditation instructor, they direct the Preventive Medicine Research Institute, a nonprofit program based in Sausalito, California.  For decades they have been restoring health to people willing to follow their program.

As presented in UnDo It!, their program consists of four parts: Eat Well, Move More, Stress Less and Love More.  Each of these is described in detail with many case examples.  The book also has recipes from the “Ornish Kitchen” and guidance for a two week diet and how to stock your kitchen.  Healthy nutrition is the centerpiece of the Ornish program.

I first listened to the book on  The authors narrate the text which has additional benefit as their express their commitment and experience with this lifestyle approach.  I am impressed by the major role Anne Ornish in complimenting her famous husband. There is no doubt that this nutrition and lifestyle approach restores health and avoids chronic disease, especially cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

The whole food plant based diet (vegan) espoused by the Ornishs is one well established option for optimal health.  The diet has challenges in regularly supplying all the micronutrients and protein.  Only 3% of the American public are willing to eat only plants (  Chris Kresser is a nutrition expert I follow, spent two years as a vegan and switched to a healthy paleo diet because he had better health (  

I have three criticisms of this book.  The first is that the Ornishs and other proponents of a whole food plant based diet believe that eating any foods from animals is bad and causes disease.  They selectively cite references including animal studies to support their beliefs. They seem to ignore the health and disease reversal studies that use a healthy Mediterranean diet with intermittent fasting, such as the Bredesen Protocol for reversing cognitive decline (The End of Alzheimer’s, 2017). They hold on to the notion that meat causes diabetes when the recent epidemic of type 2 diabetes is clearly caused by the rising use of refined carbohydrates and sugar that only come from processed plants. To be fair this book criticizes the use of processed carbohydrates and sugar.

My second criticism is that the Ornishs hold on to the notion that all saturated fat is bad and to be avoided.  It has become clear that healthy saturated fats from natural food sources such as nuts, seeds, avocado and tree oils (olive and coconut) are healthy and reduce disease.  Processed saturated fats such as with chips and French fries are to be avoided along with trans fats and fried foods.

My third criticism is that there is very little detail about the reversal of specific chronic diseases beyond cardiovascular disease.  No description or examples are given for the reversal of type 2 diabetes, auto-immune diseases, GI problems and cognitive decline.  The Ornish diet and lifestyle undoubtedly prevents most chronic diseases but disease reversal is underdeveloped here.

UnDo It! will be welcomed by the vegan community but will tell them what they already know.  Health advocates who want serious disease reversal methods will be disappointed.  As Chris Kresser recently wrote, there is no diet that is optimal for everyone, and when healthy eaters argue with each other, big food wins (  In America our culture has moved toward a diet that is killing us with overweight, obesity, fatty liver, type 2 diabetes and dementia.  Choose a diet based on Superfoods that restore health and Dean and Anne Ornish have made a contribution to this end.

Comments on The Plant Paradox by Steven R. Gundry, MD

By Joseph E. Scherger, MD, MPH

The Coachella Valley is fortunate to have Dr. Steven Gundry practicing “restorative medicine” here since 2002.  The former head of cardiothoracic surgery at Loma Linda University, he changed carriers when he realized the power of nutrition to transform health.  I share several patients with Dr. Gundry and they all sing his praises and are grateful for how he has helped them.

In The Plant Paradox, Dr. Gundry has refined his program that has evolved over the years based on what has worked for his patients.  Eight years ago his patients were told to give up almost everything white and now he recommends white rice and some white bread (yeast fermented sourdough) over the brown products.  Dr. Gundry focuses on lectins as the villain in the foods of nature, and blames them for the inflammation of heart disease, cancer and auto-immune disease.  He describes lectin as a self-defense protein that plants use to avoid being eaten by harming the “predator”.  Lectins are most abundant in grains and legumes so these are off his food lists.  He goes so far as to say gluten is not the problem with grains, but rather the lectin wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) that “puts holes in the gut” and causes inflammation and autoimmune disease.

Are all lectins bad for you?  The official biochemistry definition of a lectin is that it is a carbohydrate binding protein and is ubiquitous in some animal and almost all plant foods.  Lectins are most abundant in legumes.  Some lectins are very toxic, such as ricin, used in chemical warfare.  Cooking most beans is important to reduce the toxicity of its lectins.  Dr. Gundry recommends a pressure cooker.  However many health nutrition experts recommend eating legumes.  The Blue Zones, the five most long-lived and healthiest populations on earth eat many legumes.  Dr. Joel Fuhrman (Eat to Live) gets great results from his “greens and beans” diet plan.

As a surgeon, it is not surprising that Dr. Gundry has a big ego.  He calls himself the “world expert” in what he does using nutrition to reverse disease and restore health.  He is critical of other popular diet plans such as low carbohydrate, Paleo, and ketogenic, even though his diet is all of these.  The Plant Paradox program is very low carbohydrate, off sweets, fruits, and grains.  The Paleo diet is based on eating the foods of nature that existed before the Agrarian Age that started 10,000 years ago.  The main foods that came from farming are grains and legumes so these are off the Paleo diet list.  The Paleo diet is not necessarily high in animal protein as he suggests.  Dr. Gundry also promotes intermittent fasting in order to be ketogenic.

The Plant Paradox diet is highly restrictive banning almost all whole fruit (“same as candy”) and all legumes (no beans, tomatoes, peppers, peanuts, cashews, and many seeds).  If you eat tomatoes, he wants you to peel of the skin and remove the seeds, great sources of prebiotics for most of us who enjoy tomatoes.  Dr. Gundry’s lectin hypothesis falls short because he equates the toxicity of legumes as similar to that of grains that have inflammatory proteins for everyone causing leaky gut. For many of us legumes are healthy.  Because of the Plant Paradox restrictions, supplements become necessary and a conflict of Dr. Gundry is that he sells these in proportions that are not otherwise commercially available.

The Plant Paradox program would be useful for anyone with an auto-immune disease that does not respond to diet off of grains and cow’s milk.  For some people legumes, including the nightshade vegetables, cause an inflammatory response.  I now have two books to recommend to anyone wanting or needing a full anti-inflammatory diet, The Wahls Protocol, by Dr. Terry Wahls and The Plant Paradox.  I recommend anyone interested in healthy nutrition to read this book because it is informative and thought-provoking.  Dr. Gundry is super smart. Also read other books to get a balanced perspective on healthy nutrition.

Comments on Eat to Beat Disease by William W. Li, MD

Joseph E. Scherger MD, MPH

Eat to Beat Disease is a groundbreaking book by a Cambridge, MA based physician who is an expert in angiogenesis, the making of new blood vessels.  Dr. William Li is an internist and leads the Angiogenesis Foundation, funded to come up with cancer treatments designed to starve tumors by inhibiting their blood supply (anti-angiogenesis).  

Dr. Li has a deep background and understanding of nutrition and this book surveys the many foods that enhance our health through five defense systems: angiogenesis, regeneration (stem cells), the microbiome, DNA protection, and the immune system.  

Dr. Li draws from scientific publications from around the world, looking at nutrients that enhance one or more of these defense systems.  He comes up with more than 200 such foods and recommends that people follow his 5 x 5 x 5 framework to beat disease. The strategy is to support each of the 5 defense systems every day with at least 5 health enhancing foods daily, and eating 5 times a day (three meals and two snacks).  Some foods enhance more than one defense system but a person should still choose at least 5 healthy foods daily. 

The strength of this book is the vast medical literature Dr. Li harnesses to promote healthy foods.  All the studies cited are part of the National Library Medicine (found on PubMed) so they are scientifically peer reviewed.   I have not seen such a complete list of health enhancing foods in one place.  Another strength of the book is the deep discussion of the five defense systems.  All are important but I found the microbiome and immune system information the most useful and informative.

The major weakness of the book is the lack of recognition that many foods cause disease.  Dr. Li does not recommend against well know inflammatory foods such as grains and cow’s milk.  Like any nutrition author he recommends against sugars, processed foods and unhealthy fats.  

At a time when 70% of Americans are overweight with a high blood sugar, and 40% of Americans are obese, eating five times a day will not help those epidemics.  Little mention is made of fasting and lowering blood sugar.  Disease reversal is not discussed so the book is more about preventing disease by keeping these five systems healthy than strategies for truly beating diseases.

Overall, Eat to Beat Disease, is a useful book for the plethora of foods that enhance five defense systems. Beating disease is not the focus of the book since very few actual diseases are discussed.  Dr. Li is well-connected and has endorsements from Mark Hyman, Dean Ornish, Mehmet Oz, Bono and Cindy Crawford.  He is a serious scientist and I hope he builds off the wealth of nutrition data he has garnered to offer more advice in the future for actually reversing chronic diseases and cancer.

The Good and the Not So Good about the Ornish Plan for Optimal Health

Book Review

Dean Ornish and his wife Anne Ornish have a formula for achieving optimal health and avoiding or reversing heart disease and other chronic diseases in their new book, UnDo It! – How Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Reverse Most Chronic Diseases (Ballantine Books, 2019). Dean Ornish was the first to show coronary heart disease could be reversed by a very low fat diet (Dr. Dean Ornish’s Program for Reversing Heart Disease, 1995). With the help of his wife Anne, a yoga and meditation instructor, they direct the Preventive Medicine Research Institute, a nonprofit program based in Sausalito, California. For decades they have been restoring health to people willing to follow their program.

As presented in UnDo It!, their program consists of four parts: Eat Well, Move More, Stress Less and Love More. Each of these is described in detail with many case examples. The book also has recipes from the “Ornish Kitchen” and guidance for a two week diet and how to stock your kitchen. Healthy nutrition is the centerpiece of the Ornish program.

I first listened to the book on The authors narrate the text which has additional benefit as their express their commitment and experience with this lifestyle approach. I am impressed by the major role Anne Ornish in complimenting her famous husband. There is no doubt that this nutrition and lifestyle approach restores health and avoids chronic disease, especially cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

The whole food plant based diet (vegan) espoused by the Ornishs is one well established option for optimal health. The diet has challenges in regularly supplying all the micronutrients and protein. Only 3% of the American public are willing to eat only plants ( Chris Kresser is a nutrition expert I follow, spent two years as a vegan and switched to a healthy paleo diet because he had better health (

I have three criticisms of this book. The first is that the Ornishs and other proponents of a whole food plant based diet believe that eating any foods from animals is bad and causes disease. They selectively cite references including animal studies to support their beliefs. They seem to ignore the health and disease reversal studies that use a healthy Mediterranean diet with intermittent fasting, such as the Bredesen Protocol for reversing cognitive decline (The End of Alzheimer’s, 2017). They hold on to the notion that meat causes diabetes when the recent epidemic of type 2 diabetes is clearly caused by the rising use of refined carbohydrates and sugar that only come from processed plants. To be fair this book criticizes the use of processed carbohydrates and sugar.

My second criticism is that the Ornishs hold on to the notion that all saturated fat is bad and to be avoided. It has become clear that healthy saturated fats from natural food sources such as nuts, seeds, avocado and tree oils (olive and coconut) are healthy and reduce disease. Processed saturated fats such as with chips and French fries are to be avoided along with trans fats and fried foods.

My third criticism is that there is very little detail about the reversal of specific chronic diseases beyond cardiovascular disease. No description or examples are given for the reversal of type 2 diabetes, auto-immune diseases, GI problems and cognitive decline. The Ornish diet and lifestyle undoubtedly prevents most chronic diseases but disease reversal is underdeveloped here.

UnDo It! will be welcomed by the vegan community but will tell them what they already know. Health advocates who want serious disease reversal methods will be disappointed. As Chris Kresser recently wrote, there is no diet that is optimal for everyone, and when healthy eaters argue with each other, big food wins ( In America our culture has moved toward a diet that is killing us with overweight, obesity, fatty liver, type 2 diabetes and dementia. Choose a diet based on Superfoods that restore health and Dean and Anne Ornish have made a contribution to this end.

Are There Genius Foods?

Joseph E. Scherger, MD, MPH

A young filmmaker and health care journalist, Max Lugavere, teamed with a concierge wellness physician in New York, Paul Grewal MD, to write Genius Foods: Become Smarter, Happier, and More Productive While Protecting Your Brain for Life (HarperWave, 2018). After reading three detailed books on brain health and nutrition, Brain Maker by David Perlmutter, MD, and two books by Daniel Amen, MD, Memory Rescue and Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, I wondered if this book would offer anything new. Genius Foods is a fun read and while not breaking any new ground, the book summarizes and prioritizes what is known about nutrition and keeping a healthy brain.

Lugavere and Grewal list and describe 10 “genius foods”.  These chapters are interspersed with chapters on what not to eat.  For example the first genius food is Extra-Virgin Olive Oil.  What follows is a chapter on other “fantastic fats” to eat and the “ominous oils” to avoid.  Inflammatory vegetable oils abound in our processed foods and are certainly not good for our brain health.

The other nine genius foods are:



Dark Chocolate


Grass-Fed Beef

Dark Leafy Greens


Wild Salmon


Each of these have a chapter and are placeholders for related foods that are healthy for the brain such as other tree nuts such as walnuts, macadamias, Brazil nuts, and pistachios as “equally excellent options”.

Advocates of a whole food plant based diet will not like this book since three of the ten genius foods come from animal sources.  The most controversial here is the recommendation to eat beef.  The overall health problems with red meat, even if organic and grass-fed, would not make it in the top ten superfoods.  Daniel Amen does not recommend beef in his 52 best foods for the brain and David Perlmuter suggests we eat red meat sparingly as a “condiment”.  These experts agree that healthy eggs and wild salmon (and other fish) certainly belong here.

The book is loaded with other health advice such as eating organic whenever possible, what soaps to use, be outdoors, and consume filtered water.  Appropriate emphasis is given for avoiding sugars and refined carbohydrates.  Any healthy brain diet must include a strict avoidance of toxic foods and this book does that well.

The book closes with two summary and resource chapters, The Genius Plan and Recipes and Supplements.  The number of supplements is modest and covers the most important ones such as vitamin D, vitamin K2 and turmeric.  References are given for each chapter and are not as extensive as those cited by Perlmuter and Amen.  

Some physicians and nutrition scientists will consider this book superficial, but I find it a worthwhile read and none of the advice is counter to that given by well-informed functional medicine clinicians.  Promoting healthy nutrition is a movement today that is countering the overwhelming influence of the commercial food industry and our cultural addiction to refined carbohydrates.  I hope Genius Foods is read widely and influences a new generation of healthy food advocates.

A Code for Healthy Longevity

Joseph E. Scherger, MD, MPH

Kris Verburgh, MD is a young scientist from Belgium who also teaches at Singularity University in the Silicon Valley of California.  The singularity refers to when man and technology merge and become one.  Singularity University was founded to advance that future and houses visionary scientists, engineers and others who want to invent a future where we understand and can manipulate our biology in ways never seen before. The future may be a whole new civilization where people may live 1000 years and even have their consciousness in other bodies.

In his book, The Longevity Code (2018 Second Edition) Verburgh explores how we may live well longer today.  I like his approach and it deviates from other techno-futurists who eat and live how they want and believe technology will save them from disease.  Verburgh has coined the term “nutrigerontology”, a scientific discipline that studies the role of nutrition in the aging process.  As you might expect, he recommends a diet of natural and healthy foods, and an avoidance of processed foods, grains and sweets.  He recommends mainly a whole food plant based diet since plants are most associated with health and longevity such as low heart disease and cancer rates.  If a person does not want to be a vegan, he suggests we get about 10% of our food from healthy animal sources such as eggs, meat and fish with low levels of toxicity.

His information and recommendations are put into a “longevity staircase” of four steps.  The first step is to Avoid Deficiencies.  Here he focuses on the micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) that may be deficient in many modern foods.  These include magnesium, B vitamins, vitamin D, vitamin K, selenium and potassium.  He reviews how to get these micronutrients mostly from food, supplementing as necessary.

The second step is to Stimulate Hormesis.  This is a very interesting concept. Hormesis is where something in small amounts is healthy but larger amounts are toxic.  Even water if taken too much can be lethal.  Verburgh goes into detail how diet and exercise are beneficial in the right amounts, even when they stress the body.  Nietzsche is famous for saying “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”.  There are wonderful such examples in this book of hormesis at work.

The third step is to Reduce Growth Stimulation.  Here anyone interested in body building and the use of growth hormone should pay attention.  Stimulating growth shortens your life span.  This applies to overweight and obesity also.  I find it fascinating how some people who were prisoners of war or experienced some other deprivation end up living over 90 years with a clear mind.  This section of the book describes why.  

The final step on the staircase is to Reverse the Aging Process.  Here Verburgh takes us through the latest science including how we might clean up protein debris and sugar-links that come with aging.  He sees a future where we will be able to repair our diseased tissues using stem cells and gene editing. 

I recommend this highly readable book for its science that is not hard to understand, and to reinforce a healthy lifestyle, especially healthy nutrition.  Whether you are interested in living beyond the current life expectancies, this book will help you increase your “heatlhspan”, the number of years that you are vibrant and healthy.

The End of Type 2 Diabetes

Joseph E. Scherger, MD, MPH

Jason Fung, MD of the University of Toronto has taken “Ockham’s razor” to simply the management of Type 2 Diabetes.  William of Ockham (1287-1347) was an English Friar and philosopher.  He is famous for postulating that with complex problems, the hypothesis with the fewest assumptions is usually correct.  

Dr. Fung reformulated our understanding of obesity (The Obesity Code, 2016) by arguing persuasively that obesity is a hormonal illness of excess insulin.  Whenever we eat, especially carbohydrates, we secrete the hormone insulin to drive blood sugar into cells.  Insulin is more importantly a fat storage hormone that blocks the burning of fat and causes excess sugar to be turned into fat through lipogenesis (the making of fat in the body).  Repeatedly eating carbohydrates causes chronically high insulin levels and the steady accumulation of fat.  

Besides the benefits of a low carbohydrate diet, Dr. Fung stresses the importance of fasting to lower the insulin level enough to begin burning off body fat.  Dr. Fung points out that we have been focused only on what we eat and not enough on how often we eat.  Humans have spent most of their time on earth eating just one meal a day.  Eating three meals a day is cultural and contributes to the epidemic of overweight and obesity, especially with our increased intake of refined carbohydrates.

In The Diabetes Code Dr. Fung furthers this same argument to show that Type 2 Diabetes is caused by insulin resistance.   Doctors have known this for a long time, but Fung elucidates how insulin resistance occurs.  The repeated secretion of insulin that causes obesity next leads to fatty liver and our body’s protective mechanism over time is to become resistant to insulin. This results in the high blood sugar of Type 2 Diabetes (Type 1 Diabetes, a completely different illness, comes from the body losing all its ability to secrete insulin).

Dr. Fung describes how many of the drugs used to treat Type 2 Diabetes, while they lower the blood sugar, make the underlying disease worse by increasing body fat and increasing insulin resistance.  They biggest culprit here is the use of insulin injections. In the US we spend over 23 billion dollars on drugs for Type 2 Diabetes, more than the total revenues of professional football, baseball and basketball combined.  In Dr. Fung’s clinic most of the patients with this diabetes have complete reversal off of medications by three months.

The approach to preventing and reversing diabetes described in The Diabetes Code is simple. The nutrition is healthy fats, low carbohydrates and intermittent fasting.  Dr. Fung will often use fasting periods of three days or longer to get insulin levels low allowing the body to recover from insulin resistance.  Healthy nutrition continues for life with healthy fats: nuts, seeds, fatty vegetables such as avocado, quality fish and meat.  All refined carbohydrates and sugars are avoided. 12-16 hour fasting periods are built into the daily routine (stay hydrated and coffee or tea are allowed).  Adults should eat only 1-2 meals a day.  Any snacks should be healthy fat and low carbohydrates such as raw nuts.

With The Diabetes Code Jason Fung MD has provided a simple lifestyle approach to preventing and avoiding what has become the most expensive of all chronic diseases.  The food industry and the drug industry will not be excited by his method, but it is long overdue for the public to become healthier and lower the costs of medical care.  If taken seriously and universally, this lifestyle could mean the end of Type 2 Diabetes.

Comments on Food: What the Heck Should I Eat? By Mark Hyman MD

Joseph E. Scherger MD, MPH

It is important news for the healthy nutrition world when Mark Hyman comes out with a new book. Dr. Hyman is the director of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine and is chairman of the board of the Institute for Functional Medicine. He practices and directs the Ultra-Wellness Center in Massachusetts. He served as a personal physician to President Bill Clinton.  He has 17 previous books, most notably the best-selling Eat Fat, Get Thin (2016).

In Food: What the Heck Should I Eat? Dr. Hyman surveys the latest science on all different types of food.  He focuses on food itself more than the macro- and micronutrients, although these are discussed in detail.  He promotes a “Pegan diet”, a term he coined as a cross between the Vegan and Paleo diets.  While he states we should eat mostly plants, he begins the book by discussing meat, poultry and eggs.

After meat, poultry and eggs, he surveys dairy, seafood, vegetables, fruit, fats and oils, beans, grains, nuts and seeds, sugar and sweeteners, and beverages.  I did not find any new information here but having the latest nutrition science all in one place is very helpful.  Dr. Hyman then discusses what things you should keep out of your food such as processing and additives.  He makes a strong argument for eating only organic foods when possible. He then discusses what you can add to your diet such as spices (mostly good), salt (in moderation), and what condiments, dressings, vinegars and sauces are healthy and which are not.

Dr. Hyman discusses supplements and those that should be considered, but he rightfully puts them in a minor perspective compared with eating healthy food. The healthiest people on earth, who live in the Blue Zones, do not require supplements and eat only the food of nature.

The book ends with a description of the Pegan Diet and how to eat for a healthy life.  He covers how to detox from sugars and other high glycemic carbohydrates that are addicting.  He provides lots of recipes and more are available on the book’s website: 

My only criticism of the book is that he starts out discussing meat, poultry and dairy and that sends an implied message of priority.  Since we should eat mostly plants, I think it would have been more appropriate to start with plant based foods.  Since all the information is there, that is a minor criticism.

This has been an incredible decade of new understanding and change in what constitutes healthy nutrition.  Food: What the Heck Should I Eat? provides an excellent review of where we are at today.  I am eager to find out what is next!

Is It Food Addiction?

Joseph E. Scherger MD, MPH

I recently read the 2012 book by Dr. Pamela Peake titled The Hunger Fix (Rodale).  Here Dr. Peake presents detailed advice for how to get over your “false fixes” to unhealthy foods and replace them with a “healthy fix” to better nutrition and greater well-being.  If you feel that you are addicted to sweets and other foods, this book is uplifting and provides lots of good advice.

My comment, not meant to be a criticism of her book, is that we know what foods are truly addicting and what are not.  The problem is not “food addiction” but rather addiction to sugar and other high glycemic carbohydrates.  These are the foods that trigger the addiction receptors in our brain, much like alcohol and drugs, and get us hooked.  The detox is to sugar and other carbs and once you get beyond that, you no longer crave these unhealthy foods and can enjoy the pleasures of feeling healthy.

I have yet to meet a person addicted to broccoli and other healthy foods such as nuts and seeds.  However these foods are satisfying and you feel good the rest of the day if you eat them, as long as you do not ingest the sweets or grains.  Eating healthy requires discipline since the temptations for unhealthy foods are all around us.  Dr. Peake rightfully points out that getting over food addiction may be the hardest of all because of our culture and the omnipresent advertising for sweets, breads and other flour based foods.  Here is where getting a “healthy fix” becomes important.

Thank you Dr. Peake.

We Finally Understand Overweight and Obesity

Joseph E. Scherger, MD, MPH

Jason Fung, MD taught me how not to eat.  I never realized I could skip meals and have greater mentally clarity and plenty of energy.

In his book, The Obesity Code  (Greystone, 2016), Fung, a nephrologist turned obesity physician, describes with great clarity and solid science that obesity is a hormonal illness.  The central hormone is insulin.

In medical school we are taught that insulin is the hormone that allows sugar to enter cells for energy.  Type 1 diabetics lose their capacity for making insulin in the pancreas and will die unless they get insulin.  Curiously Type 2 diabetics, currently over 90 % of those with diabetes, have excessive insulin and what is called insulin resistance, that is the insulin does not work well in lowering blood sugar.

More importantly, as Dr. Fung points out, insulin is a fat storage hormone.  When we stress our body with excess carbohydrates, insulin pours out and “locks the door” for burning fat. Any excess carbohydrates we do not burn for energy become fat through lipogenesis. The actual biochemistry is more complicated but the general principle as stated is true.  When we expose ourselves to a daily ample amount of carbohydrates, our daily high insulin level results in insulin resistance, overweight or obesity, type 2 diabetes and even high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Our bodies did not evolve to eat carbohydrates like we do today, being over 60% of our daily food intake in calories.  When we ate the foods of nature, root vegetables, whole fruit, nuts, wild meat, eggs and fish, the dominant nutrient was fat followed by protein and then carbohydrates, only about 15% of calories.  That is the evolutionary human diet and what we eat today with processed foods is not what our body wants and excess insulin with its high blood sugar are a stress response that causes poor health, even dementia.

The key to reducing fat is to get your insulin level low.  Fasting insulin is now regarded as an important lab test that should be part of any routine check-up.  Fasting blood sugar roughly correlates but the fasting insulin reflects more time in the body than a spot blood sugar.

The current normal range for fasting insulin is silly, being 2.5 to 26, a whooping difference.  Normal ranges come from what the current public has in their blood.  In order to lose weight, the fasting insulin should be below 10.  Without that diets and exercise are a waste of time and effort.  To avoid dementia, the fasting insulin be below 5 or 4.5 per Dr. Dale Bredesen, author of the The End of Alzheimer’s (Penguin, 2017).

Any time we eat, no matter what we eat, insulin in the blood goes up.  Obviously with carbs it goes up higher.  Fung points out that we have been focused only on what we eat and not focused on the equally important when we eat.  We did not evolve to eat three meals a day, and even snack between.  More natural in the history of our species is to eat 1-2 times a day, and drink only water in between.  

Fasting has been part of our history for thousands of years.  Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all honor fasting, even for days at a time.  All report mental clarity, inspiration and other health benefits from fasting.  Fasting even just 12 or more hours in a day may lower insulin levels.

Fung is the founding director of the Intensive Dietary Management Program at the University of Toronto. There he uses fasting as a core modality and is successful in reversing obesity and type 2 diabetes.  A variety of fasting programs are used depending on the person, from part of a day to as long as three weeks.  The recorded record for a medically supervised fast is 382 days in a male weighing over 400 lbs.  With exercise all muscle is preserved during a fast.  Besides water, minerals and electrolytes are consumed such as in bone broth.

Our cultural eating pattern of three meals a day is more psychological than physical.  We think we are hungry and need to eat but we do not.  Carbohydrates drive hunger through blood sugar fluctuations so fasting is much easier with a low carbohydrate diet.

I have started recommending intermittent fasting to patients and many have lost weight where they failed on just a low carb diet.  I do this myself, eliminating  snacks and skipping lunch.  The method of eating two meals a day in one eight hour period, for example from 11 AM to 7 PM gives 16 hours of fasting daily and is very effective a lowering insulin levels, fasting sugar and burning fat.  Staying hydrated with water is vitally important during a fast and helps to suppress hunger.

Thanks to Jason Fung, MD and others we have a much clearer physiologic understanding of overweight, obesity and type 2 diabetes.  Fasting is a powerful tool to add to any diet program for better health.

Reversing Cognitive Decline – The End of Alzheimer’s Disease?

Joseph E. Scherger, MD, MPH

Fifty per cent of Americans will have dementia by age 85.  This is a growing epidemic.  Cognitive decline starts much earlier.  We now know the cause.  Too much sugar and other carbs in our diet and an unhealthy lifestyle with too much stress, not enough exercise, not enough sleep and a lack of the right brain stimulation.

Two books came out in the summer of 2017 by leading academic neurologists who are able to reverse cognitive decline and even early and middle stage Alzheimer’s disease.  Their protocols are similar, based on major nutrition and lifestyle change.  These results for a disease that was considered untreatable are a game changer.

Dale Bredesen, MD is professor of neurology at UCLA and founding president of the Buck Institute for Research on Aging.  His protocol for preventing and reversing cognitive decline is called ReCODE (reverse cognitive decline).  His book is The End of Alzheimer’s (Avery, 2017).  ReCODE uses at least 12 hours of daily fasting to achieve nutritional ketosis and a healthy Mediterranean diet of nuts, seeds, vegetables including avocado, olive oil and wild caught fish.  The book covers foods in detail, along with the supplements he recommends.  Other parts of the protocol are exercise, sleep and stress reduction.  Dr. Bredesen’s research findings reversing Alzheimer’s disease have been published since “patient zero” in 2014. 

Dale Sherzai, MD and Ayesha Sherzai, MD are husband and wife neurologists at Loma Linda University.  They are co-directors of the Brain Health and Alzheimer’s Prevention Program at Loma Linda University Medical Center.  Their new book is The Alzheimer’s Solution (Harper One, 2017). Their NEURO protocol is very similar to ReCODE and uses Nutrition, Exercise, stress reduction (Unwind), Restorative sleep, and Optimize brain function through multiple cognitive exercises.  Their nutrition plan differs from ReCODE in that it is a whole food plant based diet (vegan or vegetarian).  Their results are amazingly similar so anyone could use ReCODE, NEURO or a combination of each.

Dale Bredesen is a basic scientist who worked in a lab studying the biology of Alzheimer’s disease for over 20 years.  Like many, he was hoping to find a single biochemical solution to the debilitating disease.  In his book he explains why that is not possible.  Having Alzheimer’s disease is like having a leaky roof with 36 holes.  Fixing one will not solve the problem.  Fortuitously his wife is a family physician trained and practicing Functional Medicine.  She told him the only solution to fixing Alzheimer’s disease is to fix the lifestyle.  Turns out she was right.

A remarkable difference between the books by Dr. Bredesen and Drs. Sherzai is the recommended supplements.  Dr. Bredesen recommends more than 20 for most people, something that would be very expensive.  His diagnostic evaluation, which is called a cognoscopy, would also be expensive for tests not covered by most health insurance.  By contrast Drs. Sherzai recommend just two supplements, fish oil and vitamin B12, getting the rest of your vitamins and minerals in foods.  The diagnostic work-up is simpler and more likely covered by insurance.  This contrast reflects the current difference between a comprehensive Functional Medicine approach and a vegan Seventh Day Adventist approach to health.  Take your choice or follow a combination of the two approaches.  Both protocols eliminate toxic sugars and processed foods.  I suggest you consider a combination of the two approaches until more is known.

One of my favorite chapters in The End of Alzheimer’s is “How to Give Yourself Alzheimer’s: A Primer”.  All you need to do is to eat a standard American diet and live a standard American frenetic lifestyle.  No wonder 50% of us will have Alzheimer’s by age 85!  It does not need to be that way.  Alzheimer’s disease is very rare in the healthiest communities on earth who eat only real local food and live a low stress life with good sleep and good family and community relationships.  Such a life is always within our grasp.  Start living this way today.  It is never too late to change.

Comments on Perfect Health Diet by Paul and Shou-Ching Jaminet

Joseph E. Scherger, MD, MPH

A Stanford student interested in nutrition told me that Perfect Health Diet by Paul and Shou-Ching Jaminet of Cambridge, MA influenced her to eat healthy.  This book was published in 2012 by Scribner and the Jaminets have a large following on their website and hold frequent events.  They are both PhD scientists in other fields but chose to dive deeply into food science.  Their approach most resembles a Paleo diet and is 65% plant based and 35% from meat and oils.

The Perfect Health Diet (PHD) is summarized in this apple diagram:


While I agree that this diet is very healthy by avoiding processed foods, grains and sweets, I find the PHD less than perfect.  The Jaminets heavily promote “safe starches” including white rice and white potatoes.  These are mentioned much more often than green vegetables.  No mention is made of cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli.  The science behind their promotion of these starches is weak. They criticize low carb diets and ketogenic diets even though their diet is a lighter version of these. Many of their case examples are people who followed very low carb and ketogenic diets but felt better on the PHD.

Their discussion of athletic performance is still carb based and ignores the science behind nutritional ketosis such as the work of Jeff Volek, Stephen Phinney and Eric Westman (see my previous Blogs and Suggested Reading on my website, 

The Jaminets do not accurately describe the causes of obesity, more focused on omega 6 processed oils rather than the abundance of carbohydrates that drives hunger, overweight, obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Their treatment of cancer prevention is weak and ignores the role of a more vegan diet for preventing and even reversing cancers, especially the cruciferous vegetables. 

Most importantly the Jaminets do not address the problem that much of our meat and other animal products are inflammatory to our bodies due to the modern practice of feeding animals corn and other grains rather than their natural foods.  They do not emphasize the importance of grass fed meat and wild caught fish.  They do not address the issues of arsenic contamination in rice and mercury contamination in fish.

In general the PHD is healthy but far from perfect. Given all the factors today in our modern food supply, I suggest a diet that is closer to 80-90% plant based would be healthier.  The natural fats from nuts, seeds, healthy oils, and wild fish should be promoted as daily foods.  I agree with the PHD recommendation of about 15% protein in the diet but I would also recommend that carbohydrates from whole fruit and vegetables be about 15% of the calories.

Like most nutrition book authors today, the Jaminets believe that their diet is right and all others are wrong.  This is unfortunate and prevents the community of healthy nutrition authors from coming together and to have an honest sharing of ideas. We still have much to learn and no one could know a “perfect health diet” even if there will ever be such a thing.  The leaders of the Institute for Functional Medicine ( are doing a good job of monitoring the science and revising their diet recommendations based on new knowledge.  There is no room for arrogance and the healthy nutrition community should be one of humility and sharing.

Comments on How Not to Die by Michael Greger, MD, Flatiron Books, 2015

Joseph E. Scherger, MD, MPH

I am thankful to an Eisenhower Medical Center Internal Medicine resident urging me to read this book.  The resident follows a whole food plant based diet as advocated by Dr. Greger, who is also the founder of the website,  Dr. Greger follows in the tradition of Nathan Pritikin and Dean Ornish, MD, all champions of eating only foods from plants and very low in fat.

When I was a medical student at UCLA in the early 1970s, I was curious about the work of Nathan Pritikin and often wondered what went on in the Pritikin Center in Venice, CA.  I knew he was achieving amazing results through eating only whole plant foods very low in fat.  I became a runner in the late 1970s and remember when the editor of Runner’s World magazine declared that marathon runners could eat anything they want.  When the famous runner Jim Fixx dropped dead of a heart attack in his 50s this was blamed on his family history (genetics).  Nathan Pritikin proved that wrong in his book, Diet for Runners (1985), where he chronicled many runners who died of heart disease in their prime by eating unhealthy fatty foods.

Dr. Dean Ornish in the 1980s gave academic proof to the work of Nathan Pritikin by showing that a very low fat whole food plant based diet reversed coronary heart disease, the first time that this was demonstrated.  I used his Reversing Heart Disease book (1990) with many patients.

In the late 1990s, Dr. Walter Willet at Harvard, and principle investigator of the Nurses’ Health Study, began to show that healthy oils such as olive oil gave added benefit by improving the serum lipids, a major factor in heart disease.  Dr. Ornish recommended against all oils stating that they were 100% fat. However the evidence became clear that healthy oils in modest amounts gave added benefit and the dietary guidelines changed to put them on the top of the new food pyramid. 

After 2000 it became clear that a Mediterranean diet was exceptionally heart healthy and those who followed it lived the longest and the healthiest.  The fats in this diet were expanded to include tree nuts, avocado and wild caught fish such as salmon.  The Blue Zones are the healthiest and most long lived people on earth and most follow this type of diet that includes healthy fats even from animal products in small amount (Dan Buettner, The Blue Zones, 2008).  However, the great majority of the diet is whole food and plant based, and free of the processed foods and sugars that we Americans consume in our Western diet.

I found some weakness and bias in How Not to Die.  The UC Berkeley science philosopher Thomas Kuhn, in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962), observed that scientists tend to ignore data that does not fit in to their scientific paradigm.  This is the case with Dr. Greger.  His book would be more accurately called How Not to Diet from Foods from Animals.  All his How Not to Die… chapters speak only about animal based foods.  For example his How Not to Die from Infections covers all the toxins that can be found in animal foods, not addressing that many plant foods have been contaminated with E. coli and other dangerous bacteria, and that some plant foods like unwashed or uncooked beans have lectins that cause serious disease.

The weakest part of How Not to Die addresses overweight, obesity and type 2 diabetes.  Americans have been eating meats for many decades yet these health problems are more recent.  Dr. Greger tries to blame animal meats and fats for obesity and diabetes, barely mentioning the role of the high glycemic carbohydrates such as sugars and grains that make up so much of processed fast foods.

For a clear academic look at the predominant cause of overweight, obesity and type 2 diabetes, I recommend books by Harvard internist David Ludwig, MD Always Hungry (2016) and UC San Francisco pediatric endocrinologist Robert Lustig, MD Fat Chance (2012).  High glycemic carbohydrates, all derived from plants through processing, are the biggest health threat in the Western diet.

Since carbohydrates should be limited to what is in whole foods only, and Dr. Greger agrees that protein intake should be modest and only what the body needs (about 15 % of calories), it becomes clear that healthy fats from healthy foods are part of a healthy diet.  Aversion to fat caused us to create unhealthy foods such as margarine and vegetable oils high in the inflammatory omega 6 fats polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) that should be avoided.

Dr. Greger does not have a section on How Not to Die from Autoimmune Disease.  It is becoming clear that much autoimmune disease comes from small intestinal bacterial overgrown (SIBO or “leaky gut”) causing proteins to enter our blood stream that we develop antibodies to and then cross react out tissues.  The worst offenders here are the grains such as wheat, oats, barley, rye and corn, products that make up much of our diet directly or in animal and fish feed.  Eating such grains result in an unhealthy intestinal microbiome (dysbiosis) and is the basis for GI disease and autoimmunity. 

I have no doubt that Dr. Greger is healthy and those who eat his diet to the letter will be too.  He recommends only whole foods and to avoid processed foods and sugars.  Since as Paracelsus said, the poison is in the dose, Dr. Greger’s recommendation of three small servings of grains a day (one slice of bread or one half bagel is a serving) may be tolerated by most patients.  However these foods are still inflammatory and care health risks.  Dr. Gerger’s aversion to fat causes him to recommend only ¼ cup of tree nuts and only 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed, two of the healthiest foods.  The evidence is clearly showing that both saturated fats and monounsaturated fats from real wild foods are healthy and may be consumed liberally.

I benefitted from Dr. Greger’s book and will recommend it to cancer patients since the evidence for reversing cancer is the strongest for eating a whole food plant based diet.  I eat and recommend an 80-90% plant based diet to prevent cancer and stay healthy, and am not concerned about the fats in healthy plants such as nuts, seeds and avocados. Thanks to Dr. Greger I am now consuming a ¼ teaspoon of organic curry powder with my breakfast for the turmeric and black pepper.

Nutrition science is evolving and that is very exciting.  I gain much from every book I read, being careful to read only authors who are science based and do not have a commercial bias.  We are what we eat and it is very rewarding to learn more and keep open to new possibilities.  Dean Ornish is recommending wild caught salmon in his most recent book, The Spectrum (2007).  I hope Dr. Greger will expand his science to look honestly at healthy fats and healthy foods from all sources.

The Great Food Debate – Mark Hyman vs Joel Fuhrman

Joseph E. Scherger, MD, MPH


Doctors Mark Hyman (Eat Fat, Get Thin) and Joel Fuhrman (Eat To Live) are champions of healthy nutrition.  Both doctors achieve amazing results with patients becoming lean and fit, and reversing problems such high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar and diabetes.  Both doctors advocate for eating the real foods of nature and avoiding foods with sugar and refined carbohydrates.  Both advocate for avoiding inflammatory foods such as in vegetable oils and some grains. Both advocate for limiting total protein to meet the body’s needs. So they must espouse the same nutrition.  Not quite, and their differences are striking.

Mark Hyman recommends a diet high in healthy fats such as from nuts, seeds, fatty vegetables such as avocado, eggs, grass fed meat and wild fed seafood.  Hyman recommends a very low carbohydrate diet to keep insulin levels low and a steady blood sugar.  His diet would result in people being in nutritional ketosis most of the time (see my Blog on that).

Joel Fuhrman is almost a Vegan promoting a 90% plant based diet (he prefers 100%).  He recommends against the consumption of much fat even from healthy sources such as olive oil, nuts and seeds. Fuhrman holds on to the notion that eating fat makes you fat and raises blood sugar.  As smart as he is, I am surprised that he holds to these ideas that have been disproven by the latest nutrition science. Like other Vegans, he is so passionate about eating plants that he uses arguments based on belief against foods from animal sources, even eggs.  Moreover Fuhrman promotes whole grains as healthy, not acknowledging the carbohydrate load and inflammatory proteins.

To Fuhrman’s credit, his diet carries very low cancer risk.  I love these statements in his book, “The American diet is designed for disease”, “The salad is the main dish”, “Cancer is a fruit and vegetable deficiency disease”.  Vegans and other vegetarians have the lowest cancer rates in America, and very low rates of heart disease and stroke.  Hyman argues that animal foods have key nutrients that complete healthy nutrition for humans, and agrees we should eat mostly plants.  Fuhrman leaves the door open for people to have 10% animal based food.  Not everyone is willing to eat a “greens and beans” diet every day.

So take your choice and follow your passion with food, as long as it is healthy.  Just eat the foods of nature, no label of ingredients needed, and you will be well along with healthy nutrition and being lean and fit.

In Praise of Michael Pollan, and a Criticism

Joseph E. Scherger, MD, MPH

August 7, 2017

Michael Pollan is a journalist who has focused on food and nutrition for two decades.  His work is so scholarly that he became a professor of journalism at the University of California, Berkeley.  His groundbreaking book, The Omnivore’s Dilemma (2006), explored how the food industry mass produces our food in ways far removed from just eating the foods of nature.  Even the large organic food producers are guilty of alliterating our food for a mass market.  Pollan calls for getting as much of our food as possible from local farmers who produce real food in time honored natural ways. Since this book was published, the number of Farmer’s Markets has increased greatly and “eating local” became a movement.

His second book, In Defense of Food (2008) goes into specifics as to what a person should eat.  Here he distinguishes real food from what he calls “food like substances”.  This book goes into great detail based on his summary recommendation, “Eat food, not too much, mostly plants”.

Other Michael Pollan books I have read and enjoyed are Food Rules (2009) and Cooked (2013).  His “rules” begin with “Eat Food” and “Don’t eat anything your great-grandmother would not recognize as food”.  After laying out in simple but specific rules what we should eat, Pollan finishes with the rule, “It’s okay to break the rules once in a while”.

In Cooked Pollan explores the ways we transform the food of nature through cooking, with both good and bad consequences.  He divides this analysis by breaking down cooking into four core elements of nature: fire, air, water and earth.  He praises traditional methods with their wisdom handed down through generations and is critical of mass produced processed foods.  The book gives remarkable insights through his travels to the source of the best of cooking methods.

My only criticism of Michael Pollan is that he loves bread.  He honors the making of bread through traditional means of using yeast and carefully pressing the dough.  He visits a bread maker in San Francisco who makes only 250 loaves a day and sells these out quickly. He also visits pasta makers who use traditional methods, and points how these are better than most commercially available products.  However Pollan seems unaware of our evolutionary biology of not eating bread until recently in our existence, and the problems caused by excess carbohydrates and inflammatory proteins.  Bread causes us to have an unhealthy microbiome with the problems of acid reflux and inflammatory bowel disease, only to name the local bodily impacts of eating and other flour based foods from grains. 

To use Michael Pollan’s own expression here, bread and other flour foods from grains are “food like substances” in our human diet.  Hence they are not eating the foods of nature that we thrive on and are to be avoided.  Otherwise, read Michael Pollan and learn much about food.